- employee satisfaction survey summary - In 2016, we committed to establishing a baseline for employee satisfaction in order to measure our progress and pinpoint areas for improvement. To accomplish our goal, we worked with Sustainable Business Consultants, Seattle, WA, in creating an employee survey. The survey was distributed in November of 2016 and was completed by 119 individual respondents. Respondents spanned across all departments and ranged from six months of employment or less to beyond fifteen years of employment. Data collected focused on the importance of and satisfaction with: wages, benefits, safety, cleanliness, supervision, working conditions, promotional opportunities, and co-workers. KEY FINDINGS - safety first - Ranked as the “best” part about working at Roy Farms, our commitment to employee health and safety appears to have paid off. Sixty-four percent of respondents ranked “safety” as number 1, when asked, “What is the best thing about working for Roy Farms?” This was followed closely by “benefits”. These results indicate to us that prioritizing health and safety is important to our employees. It is essential to us and our employees that we continue to succeed in putting health and safety first. - increased engagement - We would like to engage our employees further in other areas of the survey. We are committed to investigating areas where we see opportunity for improvement to identify specific actions. Over the next year, we plan to follow up with our employees by creating a dialogue with our managers and employees in the field. THE PEOPLE