- biodiversity: native species - Back in 2013, we established a conservation plan to enhance our biodiversity farm-wide by 5% over the next four years. In 2015, we identified three areas of fallow land totaling nearly 37 acres. With the help of BFI Native Seeds, we laid out a strategy to restore natural landscapes by removing invasive species and reestablishing native species such as grasses, bushes, and wildflowers. These areas provide habitat for wildlife, attract pollinators, and contribute to the natural soil ecology. In 2016, we committed a 4,700 square foot area outside of our Cold Storage facilities to showcase the beauty of Yakima Valley native species. We removed existing sod and traditional landscaping and replaced it with local bunch grasses and flowers. BIODIVERSITY & SOIL HEALTH Our commitment to strengthening soil health and creating nutrient rich plants directly contributes to our biodiversity program—beneath the surface. Promoting soil health enriches natural microbiomes, aiding the native ecology system. Providing the right balance of nutrients, monitoring for excess runoff, restoring soil structure, and replenishing moisture in the ground help mitigate pest pressure, reduce pesticide use, and encourage native organisms and crops to thrive. Our nutrient-based cultivation methods are mutually beneficial to our crops and the biodiversity of our ecosystem above and below ground. THE PRACTICE