- waste - We have established extensive guidelines when it comes to waste, whether it is materials or organic waste. Establishing end-of-life protocol helped us reduce our landfill waste, including agricultural waste. When it comes to recycling materials, we recycle everything that we can from old tires to irrigation drip tube to pesticide and fertilizer containers to the standard items like paper, metal, and plastic. In addition, items that cannot be recycled like equipment and parts are up-cycled when possible and reused to repair or build new equipment. Recycling organic waste is also a fundamental part of our process. Using biodegradable paper twine to string our hops allows us to recycle our hop waste. Organic waste is reapplied to fields during non-producing months. - procurement - Setting standards for sourcing materials is as important as creating end-of-life guidelines. We work closely with approved suppliers to ensure we are sourcing high-quality, sustainable materials in a low-impact way. Buying local, ordering in bulk, and becoming familiar with supplier practices are all ways we work to reduce our environmental impact. These practices allow us to decrease fre- quency and length of shipments, lessen packaging material, and work with our suppliers to find appropriate products. We encourage suppliers to familiarize themselves with our practices and standards and to partner with us on sustainability. We have invited several local suppliers to attend sustainability training on-site at Roy Farms. Investing time and money in local suppliers positively impacts local sustainability efforts, community, and economy. WASTE & MATERIALS THE PRACTICE