- irrigation - Proper water application is paramount in our process. It is the lifeblood of our crops, our community, and our future. The use of monitoring systems, holding ponds and moisture sensors allow us to make adjustments and limit excess usage and water runoff. In 2012, we began working with South American consultants to implement proprietary irrigation technology. The system allows us to monitor and control water applications with increased precision. This technology combined with focused drip irrigation puts us on the path towards maximum efficiency. We aim to increase our water efficiency farm-wide by 30% over the next nine years. - cultivation - Our growing practices emphasize strengthening our crops from the root upwards. By focusing on cultivation tactics such as appropriate nutrient applications, configured plantings, cover crops, microbiology, and Integrated Pest Management we can engineer the health of our plants from the ground up and reduce the need for synthetic applications. A nutrient-focused approach requires precision. We must monitor and analyze nutrient levels to ensure that crops are receiving appropriate amounts and avoid leaching excess into the soil and surrounding waterways. These methods are an investment in the soil, restoring and maintaining its health for future planting. LAND, WATER & ENERGY THE PRACTICE